Technology Innovation

My name is Brittany Ballard and I attend Benedictine University , I am a student of the Daniel L. Goodwin College of Business. I am working towards a double major in Marketing and Management and Organizational Behavior. Also, I am working towards a Sports Management concentration.

Here at Benedictine I am taking ENT 320 which is Technology Innovation taught by Jodi Houlihan . This class is an Entrepreneurship course offered at the university. I decided to enroll in this class not only because an entrepreneurship course is required, but because I want to gain more knowledge that will help me in the business world. Another reason I took this class is because my family has entrepreneurs who've started their own businesses.

This blog will be dedicated to check-ins with what is going on in class but will also show my progress of my project. The project relates to interviewing companies in our field of how they see technology innovation. Interviewing companies you will be able to see first hand the concepts we are learning in class.

In order to be prepared for these interviews we had to create 25 interview questions. Below are 5 of the 25 questions I have prepared for my interviews.

  1. What does a typical business day look like for you?
  2. How does technology effect your day-to-day tasks?
  3.  What is your innovation/design process?
  4. In ____ do you feel technology has become more innovated? If so, is there an example?
  5. Where do you see _____ in the next few years, especially in innovation? 
