Incremental Innovation

Incremental innovation is improvement on currently technology to do things you were not able to do before. An example of this is what I learned from an interview I had with Modern Marketing Partners. Their marketing agency offers traditional marketing ideas and techniques for their clients. In the last 10 years they started to introduce more digital marketing services for their clients.

Their digital marketing services are as follows

  • Website Design 
  • SEO (search engine optimization)  
  • Paid search 
  • Social Media 
  • Content Marketing 
  • Analytics and Reporting 
All of these services are there using existing technology. The paid search, SEO, and analytics and reporting are done through Google. They use google search to help with their key words for clients and to track different websites. This was already made when Google was created. It was just improved over the years when digital marketing was more important to clients. 

The incremental innovation started with Google search which lead to Google Partners. I am certified in Google Analytics and Adwords which is apart of Google Partners. As of last year they decided to update and improve their tools they provide for free to people who want to learn these tricks. They changed Google Partners to Google Academy. The courses had the same information but the way it was put out there was different. They incorporated new videos and included texted documents to read more about topics. They also included quizzes to help learn more from each topic. 

In doing this, Google wanted to become more innovated with the way their information was going out to those who wanted to understand the behind the scenes of how Google actually works. After being apart of the way they previous did it to the way they are doing it now it definitely is a bigger improvement. This was a small change of how I was affected with incremental innovation but the bigger picture is the fact they are changing the way they are using their existing technology to improve people's experiences with their technology. 
