Technology Innovation Class Recap

It has finally come to the end of the semesters with finals week quickly finishing. Looking back at my Technology Innovation class, I learned many skills that will benefit me post graduation. Three skills that I will take away from this class is interviews, research and discussions. I believe I improved these three skills in this class over the semester.

In the beginning of the semester we were hit with a huge tasks of researching companies that fit with our major. I choose the following three companies to interview; Studio 21Architects, Bolingbrook Promenade, and Modern Marketing Partners. Deciding on these three companies gave me the opportunity to see how marketing played a role in different businesses. My biggest take away from this was becoming less afraid of an actual interview. It is a different perspective when interviewing the typical interviewer. I am very lucky that I had this an assignment because it was a great learning opportunity.

The next skill I took away from this class is doing research on technology innovation. When learning new topics and terms in the book we would research it more to see what is going on in today's world. This helps better understand the materials coming from the book.

Lastly, the final skill I felt I learned the most was our chapter discussions. The book we used was very put together and focused on the case studies which helped you learn the terms better. Understanding the terms and being taught an example through a company gives you a visualization of what we were learning. I felt this way it was easier to explain about topics in the chapters.

I would recommend students to take this course if they are able to because you learn skills that can be used in your career. This doesn't just relate to entrepreneurship students but all business students because technology impacts every part of the business world. 
