
Showing posts from March, 2018

Radical Innovation

Technology innovation can be done through the basic technology innovation that already exists but it's functionality is different from the norm. This is called radical innovation where you can use basic technology innovation such as internet. I witnessed an example of radical innovation when I interviewed Kris Kuchler who is the head of Marketing & Partners for the Bolingbrook Promenade. Kris explain the way they use radical innovation is done using their Internet. They provide a wi-fi for the guests when they are on the property. The guests who decide to log onto the free wi-fi while shopping are being pinged on the Bolingbrook servers. Every ping represents a small red dot on the map of their property. This is done anonymously and Bolingbrook does not know the actual individuals behind these red dots. Doing this helps Bolingbrook place their ads for consumers, moreover it helps with remodels as well. It's a trick to help them see where they are getting footwork th

Next-Generation Technology

This past week I had the change to sit down and interview  Bill Styczynski  who is the founder and president of  studio21 architects . I asked him the following questions that were posted in the previous blog post and it generated a great discussion. The two things I want to focus on for this blog is the topic of CAD and VR technology. These are both going to be apart of a scale of technology innovation.  First,  CAD  is a program which is short for computer-aided design. The question that was asked which sparked this conversation was "In architecture do you feel technology has become more innovated? If so is there an example?". Bill started out by saying this question made him realize how much has changed within the way architecture is done. He reminisced on the days of creating blueprints with pencil and paper. Now, they use CAD which helps them create 3D designs of what they want their end project to look like.  This benefits not only the architect but shows t

Technology Innovation

My name is Brittany Ballard and I attend  Benedictine University  , I am a student of the  Daniel L. Goodwin College of Business . I am working towards a double major in Marketing and Management and Organizational Behavior. Also, I am working towards a Sports Management concentration. Here at Benedictine I am taking ENT 320 which is Technology Innovation taught by Jodi Houlihan . This class is an  Entrepreneurship  course offered at the university. I decided to enroll in this class not only because an entrepreneurship course is required, but because I want to gain more knowledge that will help me in the business world. Another reason I took this class is because my family has entrepreneurs who've started their own businesses. This blog will be dedicated to check-ins with what is going on in class but will also show my progress of my project. The project relates to interviewing companies in our field of how they see technology innovation. Interviewing companies you will be